PSHCE, Mental Health and Well-being

British Values at EMPS

PSHCE, Mental Health and Well-being

Eyres Monsell is committed to supporting and developing the positive mental health and well-being of our school community (including pupils, staff and parents).

Mental health requires the development of cognitive, emotional, and social skills for which and may be defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.

EMPS is committed to promoting positive physical and mental health in our school, to reinforce children’s academic achievements and physical development,  through improving well-being and enabling children to thrive and reach their full potential.

We recognise that a number of specific social and emotional competencies have positive effects on academic achievement and aim to ensure pupils at EMPS are able to academically achieve because they:

are confident about their learning and who have a ‘growth mindset’ (they believe their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work)

  • are resilient and persist when faced with challenges
  • can set goals, manage stress and organise their school work
  • can use problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles

EMPS has a culture, ethos and environment where the mental and physical health, resilience and wellbeing of pupils and staff is promoted through:

 An ethos of setting high expectations of attainment for all pupils with consistently applied support.

  • Deliver curriculum based programmes which educate and promote the skills, mindsets and characteristics vital to positive mental health and well-being
  • Providing opportunities for regular, daily physical activity to support the development of healthy bodies and minds.
  • Deliver targeted programmes to support the prevention or reduction of problems such as emotional difficulties and aggressive behaviour.
  • Promote emotional and mental health broadly within the school environment, curriculum and through enrichment and extended opportunities.
  • Strong leadership and strategic oversight which actively promotes and seeks opportunities to support positive mental health and well-being.
  • Social and physical environments support the development of positive mental health and well-being of pupils and staff.
  • Working with parents, families and the local community to promote the benefits of positive mental health, well-being and resilience and provide opportunities.
  • Working with external agencies such as CAMHS, SEMH, Educational Psychologists, Early Help etc, to ensure pupils and families access the personalised support they need.

Eyres Monsell is delighted to be the first school in the country to be awarded GOLD status for the Carnegie Centre of Excellence's Mental Health in Schools Award.  Check out our BBC News feature, shown in March 2018!"

Our Resilience and Well-Being Champion

Mrs Abdeladim (Crick) is our Champion for Resilience and Well-being. She supports the school, as a member of the leadership team, to ensure we are providing a wide range of opportunities to promote mental health and well-being.

Our Well Being Leaders

Congratulations to our Y5 pupils, who recently undertook training to become well-being leaders. They will be working with Mr Short and Mrs Abdeladim (Crick) throughout the academic year on some exciting physical and mental health projects.

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE)

Careful attention is given to Personal, Social and Health Education. Aspects of children’s safety, health and personal development are studied through schemes and involves liaison with outside bodies such as the Police, Health Authority and various Charities. Children are taught about aspects of personal care and to have an awareness of the dangers of today’s society.

Citizenship and having respect for one another, different cultures and diversity, is an important part of this education and is explored through a variety of activities including the School Council. The School Council is made up of representative children from Year 1 to Year 6, elected by their peers. They meet regularly with members of staff to discuss school issues.

The school uses the PSCHE scheme called Jigsaw, to ensure children develop awareness, confidence and the ability to manage their own feelings, emotions and behaviours.  Jigsaw is a progressive curriculum which builds year on year, from Foundation Stage to year 6. It integrates personal, social, health and economic education with an emphasis on emotional literacy, mental health and SMSC, especially spiritual development.

Children have a weekly Jigsaw lesson and participate in circle time and other activities, in order to recognise, understand and begin to manage their feelings and behaviours. There is also a school wide programme of nurture activities, character building programmes and personalised support, ensures these principles are embedded across daily school life.

Children participate in life skills sessions every Friday afternoon, with activities such as Forest Schools, Yoga, Meditation, Resilience development and relationships / team building, to develop their PSHCE skills

At Eyres Monsell Primary, we're all about our pupils being fit and healthy as they can. If you need any support or advice in regards to your childs health please contact our Public Health Nurse in School Nursing on 0116 215 3230.

For more information please click here to open the Health for Kids website.

Equalities Act 2010 (Equality and Diversity)

To ensure children understand about the differences, develop tolerance, understanding and openness, the school uses the No Outsiders In Schools Programme. Through stories and books, children learn about the different aspects of Equality and Inclusion, linked to the 2010 Equality Act. This is important so that children leave primary school happy and excited about living in a community full of difference and diversity, whether that difference is through ethnicity, gender, ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, age or religion.

Sex Education

The school has a programme of Personal, Social and Health Education which includes units of sex education. Human reproduction is covered in the context of secure, loving family relationships, the teaching about which is matched to the growing awareness and understanding of the children in Years 3 – 6.  When these particular units come around, parents will be notified by letter in advance and have the opportunity to discuss any aspects with the teacher.

Children in Year 6 receive a programme of Sex Education lessons, to ensure they have an awareness and understanding of the changes linked to puberty.

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